Este cuento estaría muy bien que la gente lo leyera, te hace pensar aunque no te des cuenta, es muy interesante, aunque solo es un cuento.
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
Tormenta Solar
Bueno, supongo que sabréis todos que se acerca una tormenta solar, no? Bueno y para los que no los sepáis no os preocupes que aquí esta Mr.X para informaros : D.
Segun un informe publicado hace dos años de la NAS (Academia Nacional de Ciencias de los Estados Unidos) y financiado por la NASA, informan que enormes chorros de plasma procedentes del Sol pueden alcanzar nuestro planeta en 2012 ó 2013, cuando la actividad del Sol alcance su máximo pico como parte del ciclo solar de once años. No es fácil que esto ocurra, pero es una posibilidad real.
Podría causar veinte veces más daño económico que el huracán Katrina.
¿tenemos alguna opción? ¿hay una oportunidad de salvarnos? Investigadores de la Universidad de Bardford creen que sí, siempre que la amenaza no nos pille desprevenidos y dispongamos de una alerta temprana que nos permita tomar medidas. Con este objetivo, trabajan en el desarrollo de un nuevo método para predecir los grandes movimientos del Sol.
Las tormentas solares implican la liberación de enormes cantidades de gas caliente y fuerzas magnéticas hacia el espacio en torno a1.600.000 kilómetros por hora. Aunque las grandes erupciones solares normalmente tardan varios días en llegar a la Tierra, la catástrofe puede precipitarse, ya que la más grande conocida, registrada en 1859, nos alcanzó en tan sólo dieciocho horas(Bautizada como «El evento Carrington», por el astrónomo británico que lo midió, causó el colapso de las mayores redes mundiales de telégrafos). Las llamaradas solares, que también pueden causar daños,tardan sólo unos pocos minutos.
Hasta ahora, la predicción meteorológica solar se ha hecho de forma manual. Expertos buscan en imágenes de satélite en dos dimensiones del Sol y evalúan la probabilidad de una actividad futura. Pero el equipo Centro de Computación Visual de la Universidad de Bradford ha creado el primer sistema accesible de predicción automatizada, utilizando imágenes en 3D generadas por el satélite de la NASA y la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) Observatorio Solar y Heliosférico (SOHO).
Con seis horas de antelación
El sistema Bradford de Predicción Automatizada de Actividad Solar, denominado ASAP por las siglas en inglés de "As soon as posible" (Tan pronto como sea posible) y ya utilizado por la NASA y la ESA, identifica y clasifica las manchas solares. El sistema es capaz de predecir con precisión una llamarada solar con seis horas de antelación y el equipo está trabajando para lograr una precisión similar en la predicción de las grandes erupciones solares en un futuro próximo.
“La predicción meteorológica solar está todavía en su infancia, probablemente alrededor del punto en el que la previsión del tiempo meteorológico se encontraba hace 50 años. Sin embargo, nuestro sistema es un gran paso adelante", explica el profesor adjunto en el Centro de Computación Visual, el Dr. Rami Qahwaji, responsable de la investigación. "Mediante la creación de un sistema automatizado que puede trabajar en tiempo real, abrimos la posibilidad de una predicción mucho más rápida". Además, los científicos creen que el nuevo satélite de la NASA, el Observatorio Dinámico Solar (SDO), que entró en funcionamiento en mayo, les dará la oportunidad de ver la actividad solar con mucho más detalle, lo que mejorará aún más su capacidad de predicción.
For ENGLISH clic at "Mas información"
viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010
Señora de madre de reputación dudosa tirando cachorros de perros al río
Lady disreputable mother pulling into the river puppies.I will not make any comment about this video, I await your opinion.
No voy a hacer ningún comentario respecto a este vídeo, espero vuestras opinión.
miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010
Clubs +16
Well, this book is something that has long wanted to publish, but until today I decided to do a blog I have not been able to do XD.Haber, I'm going to a nightclub to open in the evenings for people over 16 and in the evening over 18, like most clubs, I will not say the name of the club to avoid problems.Mostly I go for the evening, and one day I found something that would be lying if I say that surprised me, because it did not. The club gave underwear to girls and boys who make a streeptees go up on stage, well, I really liked what I saw, except when a course is up 2 Women 16 years and 2 over 14 years. First of all, that the gatekeepers of this club when they left to spend, they knew perfectly well that they had 16 years and that his ID was fake until I saw him, were of old, a laminated copy, I am surprised that some goalies do not know identify some relief on a piece of plastic, that the DNI was completely smooth except that the ink was running, but managed to pass? very easy, wore a cleavage bra (only one) in which they could see up to the navel and a miniskirt that I do not think, or to be skirt. Well then, just to be made a slut sluts 14 years went up and down.
Well good to win the inner garment had to undress and take off more clothes who took the pledge, the strongest of all was when they stayed in panties and bra (who had) and the DJ will motivavan to have it Remove All. However, girls of 14 and 16 years remained in chopped ball in the middle of all the disco and all that etsban with DJ, among them there was a man of 40 years, he saw the breasts of these girls.
This does not stop here, then rose boys, but a coincidence that all adults, and they did? told the girls to rise to remove the clothes to the kids, a girl about 15 years pulling down the pants of a man who is 31 years (for me that lives there that is always, or have a pass season) but stayed in his pants? NO, I did take with shorts, a girl of 15 years with the tail of a 31 year old man in the face, wonderful, I like to know that if the party were lower for seniors.
Now I am going to give advice girls:I like that you treated as objects? that when you see guys you whisper to your friends that you are a slut and that you got screwed? You want to be part of the catalog "slut Spring? I like guys only want to be with you to cool that you have been fucked? I like that you also treat them as whores and stupid? I like a guy tells you "I love you" just to follaros and then the next day to see him with another? I would like to see you one day a bunch of aunts and uncle pursuing both he chooses with whom lia that night?And that's what also vsito at that nightclub, a small group of girls that are bundled with the same guy, and are super happy that maybe that night if lie with her, but that girl think that guy was to busy with 5 tias that night before her.Think about all those issues that you and raised.
That perhaps what we want, what you want, is a guy who really loves you, that you concerned as you deserve, that will make you feel cherished and loved him like you do feel them, which I respect, and you will not be seen as a crude toy that they're going pasndo with friends as if you were a joint.Assess what you are, what they are worth, think about where you want to go, and leave that way. Do not say no vistáis as you want, that I understand all the love that we see with good eyes, but do not let those eyes become hands.
Do not know what else to say, I just hope that this piece of text I've written, thought-provoking people to whom they are addressed, not just girls, but everyone who behaves well. RESPECT AND TOLERANCE start by respecting ourselves.
Well good to win the inner garment had to undress and take off more clothes who took the pledge, the strongest of all was when they stayed in panties and bra (who had) and the DJ will motivavan to have it Remove All. However, girls of 14 and 16 years remained in chopped ball in the middle of all the disco and all that etsban with DJ, among them there was a man of 40 years, he saw the breasts of these girls.
This does not stop here, then rose boys, but a coincidence that all adults, and they did? told the girls to rise to remove the clothes to the kids, a girl about 15 years pulling down the pants of a man who is 31 years (for me that lives there that is always, or have a pass season) but stayed in his pants? NO, I did take with shorts, a girl of 15 years with the tail of a 31 year old man in the face, wonderful, I like to know that if the party were lower for seniors.
Now I am going to give advice girls:I like that you treated as objects? that when you see guys you whisper to your friends that you are a slut and that you got screwed? You want to be part of the catalog "slut Spring? I like guys only want to be with you to cool that you have been fucked? I like that you also treat them as whores and stupid? I like a guy tells you "I love you" just to follaros and then the next day to see him with another? I would like to see you one day a bunch of aunts and uncle pursuing both he chooses with whom lia that night?And that's what also vsito at that nightclub, a small group of girls that are bundled with the same guy, and are super happy that maybe that night if lie with her, but that girl think that guy was to busy with 5 tias that night before her.Think about all those issues that you and raised.
That perhaps what we want, what you want, is a guy who really loves you, that you concerned as you deserve, that will make you feel cherished and loved him like you do feel them, which I respect, and you will not be seen as a crude toy that they're going pasndo with friends as if you were a joint.Assess what you are, what they are worth, think about where you want to go, and leave that way. Do not say no vistáis as you want, that I understand all the love that we see with good eyes, but do not let those eyes become hands.
Do not know what else to say, I just hope that this piece of text I've written, thought-provoking people to whom they are addressed, not just girls, but everyone who behaves well. RESPECT AND TOLERANCE start by respecting ourselves.
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